there is no another martial art which could be more effective than KRAV MAGA!
Too many people including martial artists
misunderstand the difference between sport/
dojo sparring and street fighting.
They are completely different worlds...
The karateka says "I can smash a dozen roof
tiles with my reverse punch, so I could easily
drop an attacker in the street." They are
working on the misapprehension that an attacker
will dance around and begin to exchange blows
with them. Forget it!
The plain fact is that there is very rarely
- if ever - any sparring in the street.
No street fighter wants to fight three, three
minute rounds because he doesn't train for this.
You'll face a fast, brutal few seconds of
violence that will not only physically blow you
away, but mentally shock you. You won't be
attacked in a well lit dojo or ring with matted
floors to land on. Instead it may be an icy
pavement, a beer soaked floor in a disco, or a
slippery lavatory floor. Not the ideal conditions
for combat! READ MORE....
Arts designed for sport or competition are not fully capable for real life confrontations. Most arts practiced in sport or competition are designed for one on one fighting and, thus, are incomplete. They are bits and pieces of their father art. There have been many arts claiming to be "new" with "founders" of such arts. Unlike the person who says "MY opinion is Krav Maga" and then goes on to advertise with links to a specific site for who knows what reasons other than the obvious. I am an instructor in Aikijujutsu with many years of experience.
Krav Maga is one such art of self-defense. However, it is much more effective than the typical ones used as mentioned as Krav Maga is in fact designed for real life confrontations. Krav Maga dates back to less than 100 years and most of its techniques are for one on one situations, and all it's techniques are in fact taken from it's father art - Aikijujutsu, as Aikijujutsu is an ancient art. There is not one technique which I have not seen or practiced before I ever came across Krav Maga. Nonetheless, Aikijujutsu was created and designed to end an attack in one move or one continuous move with multiple attackers and, thus, its results can be lethal and instantaneous if so desired.
It however has the option to be as vicious or none vicious as the situation dictates. It also has the ability to be graceful using flowing movements and in the process use very little strength against the strongest of men as well, while being as effective as need be. It can use ANY surrounding object as a weapon (a wall, tree, fence, car, etc...) It can be graceful as well with its flowing movements having the ability to at any time cause a lethal end to the attacker(s). The use of weapons and defense against them are part of the art as well.
Aikijujutsu was nearly made extinct after the U.S. defeated Japan and band the art from practice entirely. By this the "do" arts became much more popular, as they are not nearly as lethal and so were allowed. This well rounded art is best known as ancient Japan's art that made the Samurai one of the, if not the most well rounded warrior in all of history. Yet, it's lineage can be traced back to the monks at a much earlier time and origin. It is the original and father of most all arts of today. Kung Fu being the only well known art to not have any connection.
PS - I viewed the films on the Krav Maga site provided by the other person and saw several moves that were not practical and endangered the practitioner of that art if the attacks were in fact real.